
Chapter 8 Advanced Counting Techniques(高级计数技术)

Application of Recurrence Relations(递归关系的应用)

  • Definition: A recurrence relation for the sequence \(a_0, a_1, a_2, \cdots\) is an equation that expresses \(a_n\) in terms of one or more of the previous terms of the sequence, namely, \(a_0, a_1, \cdots, a_{n-1}\), for all integers \(n\) with \(n \geq n_0\), where \(n_0\) is a nonnegative integer.

  • A sequence that satisfies a recurrence relation is called a solution of the recurrence relation.

  • The initial conditions for a recurrence relation specify the values of the terms \(a_0, a_1, \cdots, a_{n_0-1}\).

  • The Degree of a recurrence relation is the largest integer \(k\) such that \(a_n\) is defined in terms of \(a_{n-1}, a_{n-2}, \cdots, a_{n-k}\); e.g. \(a_n = a_{n-1} + a_{n-8}\) has degree 8.

  • The Fibonacci sequence \(F_0, F_1, F_2, \cdots\) is defined by the recurrence relation \(F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2}\) for \(n \geq 2\) and the initial conditions \(F_0 = 0\) and \(F_1 = 1\).

  • The Hanoi sequence \(H_0, H_1, H_2, \cdots\) is defined by the recurrence relation \(H_n = 2H_{n-1} + 1\) for \(n \geq 1\) and the initial condition \(H_0 = 0\).

  • Catalan numbers \(C_0, C_1, C_2, \cdots\) are defined by the recurrence relation \(C_n = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} C_iC_{n-1-i}\) for \(n \geq 1\) and the initial condition \(C_0 = 1\).


Frame-Stewart algorithm: To solve the Tower of Hanoi problem with \(n\) disks and 4 pegs. Given the number of disks \(n\) as input, the algorithm depends on a choice of a parameter \(k(1 \leq k \leq n)\), which is the number of disks that are moved in each recursive call. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. If \(n = 0\), then do nothing.
  2. If \(n = 1\), then move the disk from peg 1 to peg 4.
  3. For \(n \geq 2\), do the following:
    1. Apply the Frame-Stewart algorithm to move \(n-k\) disks from peg 1 to peg 2.(四塔均用)
    2. Move the remaining \(k\) disks from peg 1 to peg 4.(只用除去1之外的三个塔,这里使用汉诺塔的常规算法)
    3. Apply the Frame-Stewart algorithm to move \(n-k\) disks from peg 2 to peg 4.(四塔均用) k should be chosen to minimize the total number of moves.

Solving Linear Recurrence Relations(解线性递归方程)

Homogeneous Linear Recurrence Relations(齐次线性递归关系)

  • linear: \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2} + \cdots + c_ka_{n-k}\), where \(c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_k\) are constants and \(c_k \neq 0\).(例如\(a_n = a_{n-1} + a^2_{n-2}\)不是线性的)
  • homogeneous: no terms occur that are not multiples of \(a_i\) for some \(i\),i.e., \(c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_k\) are constants.(例如\(a_n = a_{n-1} + 1\)不是齐次的)
  • coefficients: \(c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_k\) are called the coefficients of the recurrence relation.In this definition, coefficents are constants, instead of functions of \(n\).
  • degree: the largest integer \(k\) such that \(a_n\) is defined in terms of \(a_{n-1}, a_{n-2}, \cdots, a_{n-k}\).

Characteristic Equation(特征方程)

  • The characteristic equation of the homogeneous linear recurrence relation \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2} + \cdots + c_ka_{n-k}\) is \(x^k - c_1x^{k-1} - c_2x^{k-2} - \cdots - c_k = 0\)

For the Degree-2 case:


  • Let \(c_1, c_2\) be real numbers. Suppose that \(r^2 - c_1r - c_2 = 0\) has two distinct roots \(r_1, r_2\). Then the sequence \(\left \{ a_n \right \}\) is a solution to the recurrence relation \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2}\) if and only if there are real numbers \(A, B\) such that \(a_n = A(r_1)^n + B(r_2)^n\) for all integers \(n \geq 0\).

  • When the roots are equal, the general solution is \(a_n = (A + Bn)(r_1)^n\) for all integers \(n \geq 0\).

  • The Fibonacci sequence \(F_0, F_1, F_2, \cdots\) is a solution to the recurrence relation \(F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2}\) with initial conditions \(F_0 = 0\) and \(F_1 = 1\).
  • The characteristic equation is \(x^2 - x - 1 = 0\), which has roots \(r_1 = \frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2}\) and \(r_2 = \frac{1 - \sqrt{5}}{2}\). Therefore, the general solution to the recurrence relation is \(F_n = A(\frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2})^n + B(\frac{1 - \sqrt{5}}{2})^n\) for all integers \(n \geq 0\).


For the Degree-k case: + Let \(c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_k\) be real numbers. Suppose that \(x^k - c_1x^{k-1} - c_2x^{k-2} - \cdots - c_k = 0\) has \(k\) distinct roots \(r_1, r_2, \cdots, r_k\). Then the sequence \(\left \{ a_n \right \}\) is a solution to the recurrence relation \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2} + \cdots + c_ka_{n-k}\) if and only if there are real numbers \(A_1, A_2, \cdots, A_k\) such that \(a_n = A_1(r_1)^n + A_2(r_2)^n + \cdots + A_k(r_k)^n\) for all integers \(n \geq 0\).

When the roots are not distinct:

Let \(c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_k\) be real numbers.Suppose that the characeristic equation \(x^k - c_1x^{k-1} - c_2x^{k-2} - \cdots - c_k = 0\) has t roots \(r_1, r_2, \cdots, r_t\) of multiplicity \(m_1, m_2, \cdots, m_t\)respectively. Then the sequence \(\left \{ a_n \right \}\) is a solution to the recurrence relation \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2} + \cdots + c_ka_{n-k}\) if and only if

\[ \begin{align*} a_n &= (A_{1,0} + A_{1,1}n + A_{1,2}n^2 + \cdots + A_{1,m_1-1}n^{m_1-1})r_1^n \\ &+ (A_{2,0} + A_{2,1}n + A_{2,2}n^2 + \cdots + A_{2,m_2-1}n^{m_2-1})r_2^n \\ &+ \cdots + (A_{t,0} + A_{t,1}n + A_{t,2}n^2 + \cdots + A_{t,m_t-1}n^{m_t-1})r_t^n \end{align*} \]

for all integers \(n \geq 0\).

Nonhomogeneous Linear Recurrence Relations(非齐次线性递归关系)

  • nonhomogeneous: \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2} + \cdots + c_ka_{n-k} + f(n)\), where \(f(n)\) is a function of \(n\) that is not a linear combination of the previous terms of the sequence.

  • associated homogeneous linear recurrence relation: \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2} + \cdots + c_ka_{n-k}\)


If \(\left \{ a_n^{(p)} \right \}\) is a particular solution to the nonhomogeneous linear recurrence relation \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2} + \cdots + c_ka_{n-k} + f(n)\), then every solution to the nonhomogeneous linear recurrence relation is of the form \(\left \{ a_n^{(p)} + a_n^{(h)} \right \}\), where \(\left \{ a_n^{(h)} \right \}\) is a solution to the associated homogeneous linear recurrence relation.


Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms and Recurrence Relations(分治算法和递归关系)

  1. 二分查找
  2. 归并排序
  3. 快速幂



Generating Functions(生成函数)

The generating function for the sequence \(a_0, a_1, a_2, \cdots a_k, \cdots\) is \(G(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}a_kx^k\)


\(a_k = C(n, k)\), the binomial coefficient, then the generating function is \((1 + x)^n\).


Let \(f(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}a_kx^k\) and \(g(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}b_kx^k\). Then :

  1. \(f(x) + g(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}(a_k + b_k)x^k\)

  2. \(f(x)g(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}(\sum_{i=0}^{k}a_ib_{k-i})x^k\)

  3. \(\alpha f(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\alpha a_kx^k\)

  4. \(f(\alpha x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}a_k(\alpha x)^k = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\alpha^ka_kx^k\)

  5. \(f'(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}ka_kx^{k-1}\)

  6. \(xf(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}a_kx^{k+1} = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty}a_{k-1}x^k\)

extended Binomial Theorem

Let \(n\) be a real number and \(k\) be a nonnegative integer. Then \(C(n, k) = \frac{n(n-1)(n-2) \cdots (n-k+1)}{k!}\), when \(k = 0\), \(C(n, 0) = 1\).

Let \(n\) be a real number and \(k\) be a nonnegative integer. Then \((1 + x)^n = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}C(n, k)x^k\).

some useful generating functions:

  • Using Generating Functions to Solve Recurrence Relations(使用生成函数解递归关系)

    • Linear Recurrence Relations: Let \(G(x)\) be the generating function for the sequence \(a_0, a_1, a_2, \cdots\). If the recurrence relation for the sequence is \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2} + \cdots + c_ka_{n-k}\), then the generating function for the sequence is \(G(x) = \frac{g(x)}{1 - c_1x - c_2x^2 - \cdots - c_kx^k}\).

    • Nonhomogeneous Linear Recurrence Relations: Let \(G(x)\) be the generating function for the sequence \(a_0, a_1, a_2, \cdots\). If the recurrence relation for the sequence is \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2} + \cdots + c_ka_{n-k} + f(n)\), then the generating function for the sequence is \(G(x) = \frac{g(x) + F(x)}{1 - c_1x - c_2x^2 - \cdots - c_kx^k}\), where \(F(x)\) is the generating function for the sequence \(f(0), f(1), f(2), \cdots\).

    • Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms: Let \(G(x)\) be the generating function for the sequence \(a_0, a_1, a_2, \cdots\). If the recurrence relation for the sequence is \(a_n = c_1a_{n-1} + c_2a_{n-2} + \cdots + c_ka_{n-k} + f(n)\), then the generating function for the sequence is \(G(x) = \frac{g(x) + F(x)}{1 - c_1x - c_2x^2 - \cdots - c_kx^k}\), where \(F(x)\) is the generating function for the sequence \(f(0), f(1), f(2), \cdots\).



  • Two Finite Sets: \(|A \cup B| = |A| + |B| - |A \cap B|\)

  • Three Finite Sets: \(|A \cup B \cup C| = |A| + |B| + |C| - |A \cap B| - |A \cap C| - |B \cap C| + |A \cap B \cap C|\)

  • n Finite Sets: \(|A_1 \cup A_2 \cup \cdots \cup A_n| = \sum_{i=1}^{n}|A_i| - \sum_{1 \leq i < j \leq n}|A_i \cap A_j| + \sum_{1 \leq i < j < k \leq n}|A_i \cap A_j \cap A_k| - \cdots + (-1)^{n-1}|A_1 \cap A_2 \cap \cdots \cap A_n|\)

Applications of Inclusion-Exclusion(容斥原理的应用)

  • An alternative form of inclusion-exclusion:

  • The sieve of Eratosthenes(埃拉托斯特尼筛法): To find all prime numbers less than or equal to a given integer \(n\).

  • The number of onto functions from a set with \(m\) elements to a set with \(n\) elements is \(n^m - C(n, 1)(n-1)^m + C(n, 2)(n-2)^m - \cdots + (-1)^{n-1}C(n, n-1)(n-n+1)^m\).

  • Derangements(错位排列/): A permutation of a set of distinct objects is called a derangement if no object appears in its original position. The number of derangements of a set of \(n\) distinct objects is \(D_n = n!(1 - \frac{1}{1!} + \frac{1}{2!} - \cdots + (-1)^n\frac{1}{n!})\)

最后更新: 2024年5月11日 00:19:31
创建日期: 2024年5月5日 20:41:03